APRIL 2024:

It may still be spring in Canada, but plans for our Summer Camps in Eastern Europe are already well underway!

Summer Camps stand alongside our long-term child and family-focused programs, and are considered a highlight of our work by both participants and our own staff! It is considered one of the most effective tools in our program arsenal for supporting and nurturing children, and bolstering families.

The needs being addressed are those of disadvantaged, marginalized and vulnerable children – from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine – who would never have access to summer recreation or holidays of any kind, usually due to the difficult financial and social circumstances that they live in.

With your support, we can bring children from poor families to a 5-10 day camp (depending on country & locations), running from late May through the early August, that aim to help them flourish by:

· Providing an enjoyable change of context and a rest from their daily lives;

· Introduce them to a culture in which they are welcomed, loved and made to feel important;

· Create a safe and trusting place for them to learn how to just be themselves;

· Enable social interactions which can lead to long-lasting friendships;

· Help children develop team-working, leadership and social skills;

· Improve their health through good quality food, healthy activities, and life skills learning;

· Introduce them to Christian teaching, values and practices;

· Build good memories which will last a lifetime.

All Summer Camp activities are designed to fulfill our “S.E.E.M.S.” approach – offering Spiritual, Emotional, Educational, Material, and Social Support. Many of the children who we bring to camp are growing up in an environment marked by unmet needs of all kinds, and they need the positive childhood experience and memories of summer camp that will last a lifetime.

We work with local churches to sustain our summer camp projects, and all camps are held in attractive, outdoorsy surroundings such as rural areas or beach resorts.

This year we are planning to facilitate camps for upwards of 4,300 children and some 760 staff and volunteers, across the six field countries where we work.


Maris (pictured above) is 8 years old, a small girl with a serious expression, quiet and withdrawn. She lives in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Her mother Iva went through a difficult time with her husband who is an addict. Iva is now separated from her husband, but she and her daughter have been deeply affected by their experiences.

Iva said, “I could never find a way out of that relationship. But when I had Maris, I had new hope and strength … I knew  that I didn't want her to go through the same things as me. I wanted to become a stronger version of myself – for her.”

When home life is turbulent, it can lead to children growing up too early. They do their best to be well-behaved and to avoid being an extra burden in a volatile situation.

It’s easy for children like Maris to forget they are just a child, one who should have their own childlike worries, rather than taking on adult concerns; a child who should be carefree and playful, free to grow, learn and play.

Last summer, Maris was invited along to MWB summer camp, where the atmosphere was very different from home. Free from stress and conflict, there was fun and food in abundance, Christian leaders creating a happy, peaceful environment, and lots of other children ready to be friends. It was also Maris’s first time at the seaside.

Matea (pictured above with Maris), who works for Mission Without Borders, was Maris’s group leader at summer camp.

She said, “We are always careful when we have kids who are there [camp] for the first time. We get to know their background, allergies, their skills, whether they’re able to swim, their situation at home. This is because we want to make sure that every child is really well taken care of and that every child gets exactly what they need.”

“Maris was a surprise this year. Her maturity surprised us. Seeing how brave and mature she was, but knowing that it all comes from her challenges at home, was very sobering. It makes you ask questions about what else we can do for the children we work with, what else we can do to help Maris.”

At camp, Maris and the other children enjoyed lots of fun activities, sports and crafts; took part in Bible lessons and discussion groups; and enjoyed playing and swimming at the seaside.

Matea said, “Summer camp brought many new things to Maris: most importantly, new friendships, where she was part of a group of children where she was very much accepted.

“Maris is a girl who rarely smiles, but at camp, I caught sight of many smiles on her face, smiles that came straight from her heart.”


Summer Camp is a really powerful way to communicate to children how valuable and loved they are.

After camp, children carry their learning, confidence, and Christian values into their everyday lives at school and at home. When children have been cared for, nurtured, and invested in at camp, they develop the skills and confidence to take on other challenges in life and contribute to the whole family, flourishing at home, and carrying their positive memories of camp into their future.

Will you invest in their future? We so appreciate your partnership with us—both financially and prayerfully—as we do the Lord’s work in Eastern Europe!



April 2024  -  March 2024  -  February 2024  -  January 2024  -  December 2023 




Give the gift of hope and love